Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Traits of Satisfaction

As we journey through life attempting to satisfy the most basic of our desires, we look for clues, hints, secrets, directions on how to achieve satisfaction of those desires. In regards to that statement, it is interesting to see the commonalities of people who seem to be able to achieve what they desire in life. While there are those who achieve either monetary success, power attainment success, family life satisfaction, or personal happiness success without capturing all of them, there are examples of people who have encompassed them all.

From a variety of sources, there seems a certain few common traits that these people possess, regardless of their gender, age, or race. While each of the traits may be presented differently to overcome the negative impacts of societal perception on certain genders, ages, or races, they successfully any disadvantages these societal constraints may have presented. I will list these traits (in no particular order) or characteristics and feel free to comment with any opinion you may have on my list or for sources of examples of the characteristics.

1. Alpha personality without negatively impacting more than a few others.
2. Adaptability to surroundings.
3. Common courtesy towards all others above and below them.
4. Attention to details in their work, profession, family life, people's names, etc.
5. Belief in themselves regardless of others opinions.
6. The perception of failing as a step on the ladder to achieving their dreams and visions.
7. Passion for what they do.
8. Appreciation of what has made them the people they have become.
9. The recognition and admittance of when they are wrong.
10. A faith, dream, or belief in something larger then themselves (whether religious, the good of humanity, the future of the world, etc.)

Please feel free to give input!

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