Friday, August 31, 2012


Recently, I have come across Janoskian videos on YouTube. I don't like criticizing people who are just attempting to become successful in a harmless, legal way, but this is a different situation. I don't see how this group of kids could have a channel become so popular amongst YouTube fans. Millions of views... really? I personally feel guilty and ashamed that I assisted in adding to that number. These children do nothing but bother people in unnecessary and inappropriate ways that honestly should not be found entertaining in any manner. Using others at their expense, who didn't even volunteer to be a part of the video, in order to attempt to create comedy is a truly pathetic way to become popular and make money. As I'm sure they would not support degrading and using others to become successful in the corporate or political world. Another sad day in the free nations of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Oh come on, these kids are just having fun. Haven't you done stupid things before for attention?
