Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Typical American Family?

While listening to the radio this morning, I heard a broadcaster state, "The Royal Family does not in fact look like a royal family, but instead the typical American family."

This is quite shocking to me. I believe this statement represents a larger gap in perception of what America actually is. The common American (what is that even defined as now?) seems to be stuck in the idea of a 1950s America with a few modifications.

Now I'm not saying that the change in our actual composition as a society is negative, for there are positives and negatives to almost every situation. The only point I want to make is that as a society, the labels no longer apply. We are too diverse in terms of family life, income, beliefs, cultures, intelligence, environment, and many other categories to even start a statement with "the typical American such and such."

So referring back to the first sentence, the new Royal Family looks like the ideal traditional family, not the typical American family.

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