Once again on the subject of intelligence being a direct correlation to atheism, I have another proposal, another viewpoint that might interest others. First off, the insults by atheists against monotheists that state the "idiocy" of believing in a higher being are pointless in the sense that in the long run it does not matter because according to the majority of these people, there is no after-life and therefore no point in trying to convince someone. On the other hand, for monotheists insulting atheists by saying they are bad people for simply not believing in something they do, it is extremely hypocritical. The majority of religions do not support judging people or spreading anger, and this is exactly what being accusatory and judgmental does. There is simply no reason why people can't have different beliefs and allow others to hold different beliefs without forcefully and hypocritically try to convince everyone else that they are wrong. ANYWAYS I digress. It is undoubtedly difficult for an intelligent person to not fully understand a subject because they often find themselves easily comprehending everything presented to them. Now obviously intelligent people will be offended that I am insulting their intelligence by saying they can't understand something, that in fact, no one can fully grasp something. Can there be something that does not have a beginning and an end? Of course there are people who claim to understand it, infinity is simple to understand in mathematics.... But is it? One can't fully wrap their mind around never not existing (apologies for the double negative). How about creation in general? Can something come from nothing? What is nothing? It is the definition of itself. It is similar to the concept of zero. You can describe nothing as the absence of something, but you need something to describe nothing. Quite ironic. What created the nothing? But then that means there was something. Physicists and various scientists can claim to explain the origin of the universe. But it is doubtful that anyone can fully grasp the concept of nothingness, of that nothingness magically turning into something. Maybe the old versions of Holy books are meant to be altered through time, I do not mean that in any blasphemous way. I support discovery and innovation as most humans do and ironically support peace and allowance of others to their own opinions while not interfering, all while at the same time I am creating a blog that is meant to bring about arguments. I will continue on these thoughts later because things are beginning to seem like a paradox.
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