Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So.... a personal realization has occurred this past weekend due to experimental learning and review of events. 1. When one enters college, book knowledge increases. (If you go to any class at any time or read any type of book in college, your knowledge has increased... duh) 2. Common sense SIGNIFICANTLY decreases upon arrival and steadily over time (kind of like an exponent curve for a number between 0 and 1).

Here is how and why the realization took place. My friends and I had found a CD on the street that was produced by an artist named The Real Big Dre. It was severely damaged yet still managed to play flawlessly on our computers. Anyways, The Real Big Dre rapped about various activities such as recreational marijuana smoking, inhalation of cocaine, violation of women, dealing of illegal narcotics, etc. We decided, this is an unhealthy form of brainwashing and we should immediately destroy the CD as soon as possible (this is a false excuse used to verify the idiocy we were involved in). One suite mate of mine came up with the genius idea of putting it in the microwave because it makes "cool sparks" and "looks like lightning". Of course we all thought that was awesome and after the mentioning of the fact that Mythbusters did it, we dove right in!

Poor choice. After watching the CD put on its magical display, we soon realized the smell of burning plastic coming from the microwave. Oh my, that's not good (especially since we are in a small enclosed space). This is where our college intuition comes in.... The sequential bombarding of radiation on the CD, while awesome, heats the surrounding plastic on the disc. !Eureka! Burning of plastic can create toxic gases that cause potential short-term and long-term hazards from direct inhalation! !Eureka! We should probably push the air out of the room with a series of fans and air purifiers. And this is what we did. The irony of the event was that 'The Real Big Dre' was really smoking.

P.S. We have also destroyed our microwave because such gas particles cling to the surfaces of the interior of the microwave and sequentially will be introduced to the food cooked in there from then on out. Another health hazard. At least we had fun :)


  1. hope you changed your airfilters on the air purifiers, or don't use them any more, stuff can linger.

  2. Wow didn't see that coming! Real Big Dre was really smoking hehe. Thank you for sharing this awesome story.
