Thursday, May 15, 2014

Alphabet: Expanding or Limiting Our Horizons?

Think about the English language.

Ultimately there are 26 letters that are combined in an incredible number of ways to depict our thoughts, dreams, aspirations, etc.


We read a whole book, but yet we only read 26 unique identifiers. Combined in multiple ways. Over. And. Over.

Quite discouraging.... or is it?

Ponder all of the possible ideas, feelings, directions, visions, etc. that we can portray. It's mind boggling.

But now I want you to explore a different thought. What if we had more letters? What if we had less?

There are obviously thresholds that exist to limit the number of letters that could exist. For example:
  1. Effectiveness of the letters dependent on their uniqueness and necessity
  2. Ability to learn and reproduce the letters through sound
  3. Number of sounds that exist that can be expressed in new letters
How about if we had more letters? Would we be more creative? More intelligent? More efficient at communication? Would our minds be more free to express themselves and induce thought?

How about if we had less letters? Would we be more creative because there are limits on our resources? Would we be more intelligent because there is less restraint on thought by language and more intellectual focus on body language and emotions? Or could it be the complete opposite?

Is our mind inside the light bulb of language?

There are obviously benefits and disadvantages to both having more letters and less letters in our alphabet depending on the environment you live in and type of lifestyle that you live.

Explore your mind.